Shingles And PHN Healed By This Alternative Medicine


Shingles And PHN Healed By This Alternative Medicine

Getting over the initial shingles outbreak is often just the beginning of a painful journey.

Almost half of those who get shingles develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), the pain that remains once shingles sores are gone. Traditional medicine has no solutions except ineffective painkillers that come with a long list of side effects.

That’s why we welcome two recent literature reviews, one in the Journal of Pain Research and one in Medicine (Baltimore), which both prove that an old alternative health method is more effective than traditional medicine at dealing with PHN.

For the study in the Journal of Pain Research, the researchers searched through six medical databases to find the eight best studies examining acupuncture to treat PHN, with 498 participants altogether. Two of these were in English and the other six were written in Chinese.

All eight of the studies compared various acupuncture techniques (electroacupuncture, fire needle, acupoint injection, and cupping) to a variety of drugs.

They all measured pain intensity using questionnaires before and after the interventions.

Most of these studies found that acupuncture was able to relieve pain. The studies that tested for anxiety discovered that acupuncture could relieve that too.

The studies with the most participants—usually an indicator that a study is more credible and accurate than a very small one—found the largest decreases in pain.

The literature review in Medicine (Baltimore) looked very similar, although the authors were somewhat less optimistic.

They identified what they believed to be the seven best studies, all comparing the effectiveness of acupuncture to that of common medications.

All of the studies they reviewed were conducted in China and were published in Chinese languages. Altogether, they had 647 participants.

From these studies, they discovered that acupuncture could indeed reduce PHN pain—in fact, by a very similar amount to that discovered in the first review.

This shows that alternative medicine can be more effective than traditional medicine at treating PHN and shingles.

In fact, thousands of readers have already healed their shingles and PHN by following the simple, natural, and effective steps explained here…


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