What Is Acid Reflux Without A Cause?

What Is Acid Reflux Without A Cause? Acid reflux is bad enough if you know exactly what causes it, such as a hernia in your esophagus or a weak valve at the top of your stomach, but many people suffer from reflux or excess acidity without medical science being able to find any reason for it. The journal Gastroenterology has now published a study of these cases to see how common they are. The authors of this study investigated what they called functional gastrointestinal disorders, which they define as symptoms in the esophagus, stomach, abdomen, or bowels that have no obvious cause. The researchers surveyed 33 countries across continents. Participants completed an internet survey of symptoms in 24 countries while face-to-face interviews were conducted in a further seven. Two countries did both. Approximately 2,000-2,500 people were surveyed in each country with an overall sample of 73,076 respondents; men and women were equally represented. The participants reported their symptom...