Is Arthritis Killing Your Love Life?


Is Arthritis Killing Your Love Life

There are plenty of psychological as well as physical reasons that can easily disrupt couple’s love life.

We often assume that ED or female frigidity are the most common culprits of impaired bedroom affairs.

However, according to the recent survey conducted by Arthritis Research UK the classical excuse line “Honey, I’ve got a headache today” is being replaced by “Honey, my joints are killing me…”

Believe it or not, the survey revealed that painful joints are the main reason why elderly couples avoid sex.

The researchers conducted the survey to raise awareness of tough challenges arthritis sufferers and their partners face. And to help arthritis patients and people suffering from chronic joint pains to stay intimate in their relationships.

The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of couples felt they were considerably less intimate with their partner compared to the beginning of their relationship.

Almost a quarter of lovers complained about not being happy with their current sex life situation.

Nearly one third of married couples admitted that they did not cuddle or hold hands with their partner often enough.

As much as half of the surveyed couples acknowledged that they did not share enough intimacy with their partner and had sexual interaction less than twice a month.

The results of the survey-research show that arthritis has devastating effects on the sexual and intimate life of couples.

The aches of joints affect several body parts that play a big role in foreplay and intimate interactions like cuddling which involves hands, neck, back, fingers, knees and hips.

The simple and very intimate act of just holding hands with a partner can turn into excruciatingly painful turn-offs for Arthritis sufferers.

The obvious conclusion of this review is that sexual connection, playfulness and intimacy play a very important role in couple’s lives.

Just remember that sexual intercourse is not the only way to revive the passion and intimacy in a relationship.

A romantic dinner together, a long walk in a park or just a quite whisper of loving and sweet words into the ear of your loved one can help build up a lost intimacy and spice up things.

If arthritis is the reason you’ve been having “lots of headaches” lately, make sure you are open with your partner about it. Honesty and truth is a great way to show love and invite intimacy into the life of a couple.

However, you don’t have to suffer and allow Arthritis to destroy your intimate and sexual life any longer. Take matters into your own hands and learn how to naturally eliminate the crippling pain of arthritis and get your active life back in less than 28 days…


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