How to Drown Away Your Arthritis with this Drink

How to Drown Away Your Arthritis with this Drink

The good: 3 glasses of this drink will help you stave off arthritis.

The bad: too much of this drink isn’t so great for you.

And the ugly? There isn’t any, actually.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis caused when the immune cells of the body start attacking its own tissues. The resulting pain and inflammation in the joints can have a crippling effect. It’s a very unpleasant situation indeed. Heads up to the ladies out there: you are more prone to getting this type of arthritis than men, and it usually begins to develop in the early 20s and 30s. Ouch.

Here’s what went down in a massive study lead by Dr. Bing Lu from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical Hospital:

  • Firstly, the study focused on data from two sources, Nurses’ Health Study and Nurses’ Health Study II.
  • The researchers discovered an interesting treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

The first study began in 1976 and collected data from over 121,000 registered nurses. The other study which began in 1989 had data on 116,000 nurses. The researchers led by Dr. Bing Lu analyzed the information available from these two studies, particularly focusing on the diet, alcohol consumption and lifestyle habits of the nurses.

The researchers discovered that moderate consumption of alcohol over a long period seemed to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Beer was found to be particularly effective, providing nearly 31 percent reduction in risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

The recommended consumption is 2 – 3 glasses of beer in a week. It should be noted that excessive consumption of beer or any alcoholic drinks can cause several problems.

Even though previous research has shown that a little alcohol consumption can help rheumatoid arthritis, this is the first time that beer has been directly shown to have an effect in reducing the risk. The researchers caution that beer can have adverse effects on those already taking medications for rheumatoid arthritis.

The bottom line? Now you can enjoy a beer every now and then with the comforting thought that you’re actually fighting off arthritis.

What if you could say goodbye to arthritis with natural ingredients easily available in supermarkets? How would you do that, though? Learn how by following this link…


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