How to Balance Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fats for Arthritis and Type 2 Diabetes
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How to Balance Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fats for Arthritis and Type 2 Diabetes |
Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils are all over the place- in the news, on health food shelves, and seemingly everywhere in between.
But it seems that people don’t generally feel comfortable explaining the difference between the two and why consuming them in the right proportion or “balancing them” is so important.
This is however an extremely important issue. Especially if you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Arthritis, Cardiovascular health problems or any other inflammation progressive diseases.
Because simply by making the right balance between these TWO ESSENTIAL fatty acids has helped thousands of people to completely eliminate their diseases.
These essential fatty acids are found only in diet or supplements. Your body doesn’t produce them. But it’s needed to produce essential hormones for your body’s function.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 have completely different, oftentimes opposite effects. They counteract each other to keep a balance within your body.
Omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation, blood clotting, and cell growth. Whereas Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation, slow blood clotting and control cell growth.
To seriously simplify things, you could say that Omega-6 was the gas pedal whereas Omega-3 is the breaks. To drive perfectly, you need both.
Without Omega-6, our immune system couldn’t use inflammation to fight bacteria and other invators, your blood wouldn’t clot when injured and cell wouldn’t grow properly.
But without Omega-3, inflammation gets out of control and your body begins to attack itself, blood thickens in the arteries (causing cholesterol buildup) and excessive cell growth causes cancer and other problems.
It’s therefore obvious that diseases caused by inflammation, like most progressive diseases are (did somebody say diabetes and arthritis) are driven by too much gas (omega-6) and too little breaks (omega-3).
Before the invention of fast food and microwaves, our diet balanced the two fatty acids in a healthy way. Nowadays, the story is quite different.
Western diets are overrun with Omega 6 fatty acids, compared to Omega 3. The proper and ideal balance is 2:1, Omega 6: Omega 3. What most experts in the US see as the reality is more like 20:1 instead.
The best way to correct the imbalance is to not only increase the consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids, but to decrease Omega 6 at the same time.
Best sources of Omega-3 comes from eating cold water fish like halibut and salmon, flax-seeds, wall nuts (and other nuts), beans and olive oil.
To decrease Omega-6 consumption, avoid as much processed foods as you can. Fast foods are the worst but pretty much any kind of pre-made foods and most restaurant foods are loaded with Omega-6. The main sources of Omega-6 come from processed vegetable oils that come from corn, soy, and some nuts.
The simplest way to find a healthy food balance is to ask yourself with every meal: “Is this something the cave man would have eaten”. If the answer is NO, it’s probably not a balanced diet.
People find it hard to believe that inflammatory diseases like diabetes, gluten intolerances, irritable bowel, and arthritis can be reversed by eliminating processed foods, but it’s happening every day all over the world.
Following links are some inflammation caused diseases that can be completely eliminated by using the right diet. The exact steps may vary but the basic principle is the same.
Pick the issue that fits you best for step-by-step guidance: