Do This to Avoid Arthritis And Heart Disease


Do This to Avoid Arthritis And Heart Disease

We are aware of the fact that the risks of developing both arthritis and cardiovascular diseases increase with age.

However, researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine reveal that few healthy habits will drastically lower the chances of developing these serious health conditions.

And if you’re already battling arthritis or heart problems, then applying these simple habits will bring you victory over these conditions.

UK researchers conducted a survey study, “British Women’s Heart and Health.” The survey involved more than 2,500 women, aged 60 to 79.

Study participants were asked to fill out the questionnaires concerning their eating habits, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption.

Seven years later, researchers did a follow-up to see if any health disabilities were reported.

The results of the follow-up revealed that women who never exercised were twice as likely to develop arthritis, trouble walking and heart related problems.

Women who were smokers or smoked in a past had more than double the risk of developing heart related diseases compared to the those who never engaged in this unhealthy habit.

According to the researchers, physical activity is one of the most effective ways to prevent physical as well as cognitive decline associated with aging.

This study once again supports the benefits to our health of exercising as we age.

And even if we didn’t exercise in the past, it is never too late to start.

To support our health we do not need to engage in a heavy, strenuous physical activity like weight lifting, boxing or running.

Taking a long hike in nature, yoga or stretching exercises, swimming and even the light walk in a park provide sufficient health benefits that delay aging and protects us from age related disabilities.

If you’ve developed some of those conditions, there is still time to reverse the process.

Follow this step-by-step plan to completely reverse arthritis in 28 days or less…


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