Unlock Your Hip Flexors: All The Truth of Your Health by Rick Kaselj 2021

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Free Download

 Belly fat, anxiety, and pain are some of the most common problems people have to face today. Unfortunately, these issues are also often addressed incorrectly, resulting in seemingly endless suffering. If you've tried dieting, meditation, yoga, and pills to no avail, then it's time for you to discover the wonders of Unlocking the Hip Flexors and how this can finally put an end to all your worries!

Unlock Your Hip Flexors: What are They?

If you've never heard of hip flexors, don't worry because you're probably not the only person who isn't familiar with it. First of all, the hip flexors are muscles. These are also known as the hidden survival muscle.

Your body has all kinds of flexors. Flexors are the muscles that work to flex a joint. For example, when you try to touch your shoulder by bending your arm, you are actually flexing the joint of your elbow. Each joint flexion involves several flexors.

At the hip alone, there are no less than nine flexors.

The main focus of "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is the Psoas Major, which so far is the most essential hip flexor. Psoas is a Greek term that means back region. This connects the pelvis and the spine. The upper body is attached to the lower body. However, this is not all there is. The Psoas major performs several functions, including the following:
  • Joins the lower and upper part of the body.
  • Joins from the inside out
  • Joints from front to back
  • Bend the trunk laterally.
  • The appendicular and axial skeleton joins.
  • Raise the trunk from the supine position.
The main point of each hip flexor is to lift the upper leg or pull the body towards the leg when the leg is stable. You can think of this as knee raises or squats.

With that said, you can imagine how big the hip flexors are. So what can go wrong with them? When the psoas becomes too tight, there is a possibility that you will suffer from lower back pain. This is because the lumbar discs have been compressed.

From a bodybuilders point of view, the hip flexors should be stretched as often as possible. Women in particular are known to have tight hip flexors.


Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal are the minds behind the creation of "Unlock Your Hip Flexors." Rick Kaselj is your best option to overcome pain and injuries. What makes things more effective is the fact that most of your learning comes not from seminars and books, but from your personal struggles with pain and injuries.

His journey to living a pain-free life began with a serious back injury that resulted from improper exercise. This injury posed a serious threat to end his professional career, preventing him from enjoying a happy and fulfilling life. Like everyone else, Rick did not want to live a life full of pain, medications, and medical appointments, so he began searching for the right solution to help him overcome crippling pain in his back.

He started out as the guinea pig of his own experiments as he created strategies and techniques to overcome his back injury. He also used the same unique techniques with clients, viewers, readers, and professionals alike to overcome not only his back pain but also his elbows, knees, shoulders, and other types of pain. Every day, Rick helps more than 80,000 people in 137 countries who make it to Antarctica to live happier, more pain-free lives. Rick also taught these techniques to more than 8,152 health and fitness professionals from all corners of the world.

Besides Rick, Mike Westerdal is also behind the creation of Unlock Your Hip Flexors. Mike is a kettlebell instructor, personal trainer, and founder of CriticalBench.com, the largest online strength website that helps half a million people each month achieve their health and strength goals.

With his experience in weightlifting and sports training, Mike has worked alongside Rick Kaselj, MS, the industry's leading injury specialist to overcome his persistent pain and personal injury.

The mission of these two is to share their Fix My Pain series with people who want to repair their injuries on their own and fight the pain without drugs, appointments, or the need to undergo surgery to live their life to the fullest. Gym.

What is Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

You can never function properly if your hips are imperfect, that's how simple things are. Your hips affect everything the rest of your body does or tries to do, from standing to twisting, bending, reaching, walking, stepping, and so on.

For this reason, "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" has been designed to help you eliminate common culprits that are often manifested by tight hip flexors, including the following:
  • Joint pains in lower legs, hips or hips.
  • Incorrect posture.
  • Locked hips.
  • Decreased sports performance.
  • High anxiety.
  • Compromised immune system.
  • Problems with sexual performance.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Circulatory problems.
  • Digestive problems.
You see, there are numerous potential problems that can occur as a result of tight hip flexors. In the Unlock Hip Flexors, he states that the two main causes of tight hip flexors include sitting and patterning overload, which refers to repetitive movements over a long period of time such as running, heavy squats, and other movements. sports related.

Your hips are extremely complex in structure, and there are four main muscle groups that are responsible for proper hip function as intended, but one specific group has more responsibilities compared to others and this should never be taken for granted. This is the iliopsoas group.


This certain muscle located deep in the hip is one of the most famous muscles in the field of fitness professionals. It has been the subject of numerous articles, countless books, and the main beginning of what appears to be a therapy, rehabilitation, and yoga video offering.

The reason the psoas is so famous is that it has many important duties. On a structural level, it is responsible for stabilizing the spine and flexing the hip. One of the important things about the psoas is that this connects the legs with the spine. The only problem is that the psoas is located deep in their bodies and is really difficult to access. Stretching without a particular series of various methods or lacrosse balls or foam rolling will not cut you. This is where Unlock Your Hip flexors comes in.


As mentioned, it is really difficult to reach the psoas by stretching the hip flexors with traditional stretches without the step-by-step process being well thought out and in place for a reason. Like unfolding the sheet or unpacking the package, the opening of the hip muscles must be done in the correct order. Try to release one muscle before another and you will increase your tension. Doing this wrong can make it worse.

The power of the technique lies not only in what the techniques are performed, but also in how good it is, but in doing it in a proper sequence. Once done effectively, what Mike and Rick call The Sequential Flow Method works with the body to activate the natural healing process, improving flexibility while adding vitality and strength.

Doing movements properly unravels all tissues, including fascia, muscles, connective tissues, and joint capsules, while breaking up scar tissues.

  • Dynamic Stretching - This is where you are activating the muscles around a joint and moving this joint through its range of motion progressively. It leads to a greater range of motion in the joint, which will warm up the muscles around the joint and improve circulation around the joint.
  • FPN stretch - This FPN or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, which is a method in which a particular muscle is activated to relax the muscles around the joint, thereby reducing stiffness around the joint.
  • Muscle Activation Movements - Due to sitting and daily use of technology, most muscles do not function properly. Through this method, the program will target the muscles that are off and activate them to help the body move efficiently.
  • Fascia Stretch - In this exceptional technique, you target the tissue in which the muscles are surrounded and work to lengthen and loosen the fascia.
  • Mobility exercises - In such exercises, the program targets the joint and performs exercises and movements that help the joint function properly. Allow the joint to move freely.
  • Three Dimensional Core Stability Exercises - Through these exercises, Unlocking the Hip Flexors targets the muscles in all planes of motion so that the abdominal and core muscles have good endurance, activation and strength in each plane of motion. movement that reduces unnecessary stress on the joints.
All in all, there are a total of 12 different movements within the program with the use of the methods mentioned above that will open and relax your tight hips.


There are many good things about this hip flexor unlock and these are as follows:
  • This program is easy to buy and download.
  • No need to wait a longer period of time for it to download
  • It is designed so that you can use only fifteen minutes of your day.
  • It is effective.
  • Has numerous postures and tips through which any type of injury or pain can be managed well without hospital treatments and medications.
  • The program is good enough to increase your level of performance.
  • If you start to perform well through this program, you will be a good athlete so that you can do whatever you want in the best possible way.
  • The program is very affordable and you don't need to spend more time doing some exercises.
  • It is something that most people find attractive, as some do not have time to exercise for several hours.
  • Helps you deal with the root cause that affects strength and flexibility and has nothing to do with the effects.
  • It is a program that will make you feel better, stronger and prepared.

Disadvantages of "UNLOCK YOUR HIP FLEXORS"

What makes "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is flawless. It is a complete digital program and if you are not comfortable watching videos or reading e-books, it is not the perfect program for you. The program needs you to dedicate your 100% to this; otherwise it is very difficult to see good results. It's also good that you try your best to get the right kind of results that you like.

Final Verdict

Overall, "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is a worthwhile program. Once you put things in perspective for a possible lifelong solution to your low back and hip pain, this program won't ask for too much.

Just compare the cost of visiting the hospital if you have hip or back pain with trying this program. You will see that Unlocking the hip flexors is much cheaper. This program is definitely worth a try if you experience lower back or hip discomfort. It is not a scam as most people think of this. The reason behind this is that this whole system is full of useful facts based on the author's experience.

So, are you ready to fix your hip and experience low back pain relief? "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" now!



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