This Common Household Cleaner Cures Arthritis and Improves Health

This Common Household Cleaner Cures Arthritis and Improves Health What you have below: a link that will show you the household cleaner that helps to eliminate arthritis in your body. You read that right. It’s a household cleaner. Not some fancy-schmancy drug from Big Pharma. Actually, this household cleaner kind of scared the pants off the Big Pharma industry. It’s that good. Boron (found in Borax) is a naturally occurring mineral, extracted from dried salt lakes. Normally, a healthy diet with unprocessed and organically grown fruits and vegetables provides about 2 to 5 mg of boron per day. However, harsh soil fertilizers and unhealthy cooking methods greatly reduce the intake of boron from food. Nowadays, due to the increase of chemical soil fertilizers and processed food, our boron intake has been greatly reduced compared to 50 or 100 years ago. And that led to a significant uptick in diseases related to joint inflammation, such as arthritis. In 1960, Australian plant and soil ...